Web Analytics Trust People (once an Englishman in Philly): May Week de-bunked

Thursday, June 17, 2004

May Week de-bunked

'May Week' in Cambridge takes place not in May but in June, or, more specifically in the week (and a bit) following the end of our full term. I believe that the reasoning behind its bizarre name is that the term used to end in May but in recent years ('recent', of course, in Cambridge terms meaning the last two centuries or so) the term has been shifted later. This also explains why the term just finished, known throughout the world as the summer term, is called Easter Term!

It covers the period between the end of term and graduation, so for graduands it is effectively two weeks long; and for all undergrads it represents an unbelievable period of relaxation and mindless drinking, punting and partying. In blazers. Or black tie. Marvellous...and terribly, terribly British.


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