Web Analytics Trust People (once an Englishman in Philly): Stop the press: Labour Party to give up spin

Monday, December 20, 2004

Stop the press: Labour Party to give up spin

So it seems that Labour's new year's resolution will be to give up spin and negativity.

Alan Milburn, seemingly firing the starting gun for next year's election, says "It will be the most positive and upbeat election campaign Labour has ever run."

What a good sign of a development in Labour Party politics. Surely now they will be able to take the moral high ground and proclaim themselves, once and for all, whiter than white in a great departure from the tactics that actually got them to power.

Or not....

In the same press release we hear that the election will be the "last stand of the Thatcherites" and that they would pin their slogan on the super-positive and ambitious "Britain is working - Don't let the Tories wreck it." How.....positive?

On the same day we see their latest campaign stunt advertised on their website. And, my, what positivity that exudes.

"Labour's Ian McCartney MP was speaking as 'The Ghosts of Tory Christmas Past' – three million unemployed, poll tax misery and 15% interest rates – returned to haunt Michael Howard's Conservative Party as part of a Labour photocall at Tory HQ."

"'The Ghosts of Tory Christmas Past' today reminded Michael Howard, on the day new employment figures are published, of the Tory leader's record in driving up unemployment to three million, promoting the poll tax and supporting, from within the Cabinet, economic policies that kept interest rates at 15% for a year."

It's a good job that Alistair Campbell is back in the fold too. He's always one to ensure a positive campaign and positive relationship with reporters is developed.

It seems that Labour is, once again, all spin and no substance. I am sure that the people would prefer "Less Talk and More Action". The only problem is the personnel and the organisation which is meant to be delivering it.

I am very worried that a bleak midwinter is going to turn into an even bleaker spring. In 2001, I vowed to myself I would never let another defeat like that be inflicted on the Tories. 6 May 2005 may be even more depressing.

On the bright side...I have six months left in America!


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