Revolting Lib Dems

So it seems as if there could be two lame duck leaders as the Times reports on revolting Liberal MPs (though I have to say I've always found them fairly revolting....boom, boom). Next to Cameron Mr Kennedy does look a little like yesterday's man, with a less slick trendy politics than the Cameroons are developing for their man.
My personal prejudice is for Mr Kennedy to stay on for a while. Clearly, after the apparent briefing to This Week's Andrew Neil this is set to run and run, and from pure personal prejudice I'd like it to run as long as it possibly can to make the Lib Dems seem even more irrelevant. Failing that, it would be nice to see bald Mark Oaten or metro-trot Simon Hughes in the "hot seat".
I shall be very careful not to reciprocate the kind of gloating glee at a nearby leadership election replicated all-too-frequently in recent years by those of a yellow persuasion. I can't wait to see what impact on the Labour leadership election these post-Cameron realignments will have though.
As this becomes a kind of catch all Lib-Dem-post-I've-been-meaning-to-make-for-ages, this blogger allegedly has ambitions for the leadership of the Liberals and, even, whisper it quietly, PM. I can't quite work out whether or not this is just a vicious rumour to humiliate him though.... It also couldn't be a better time for me to realise that old jousting partner Mr Graham, of Quaequam, is back blogging. More LibDemmery can be found here...
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